Saturday, 9 May 2020

Healthinfo Island

Today I paid a visit to Healthinfo Island.  It covers a myriad of issues and support services.  
The region features:-

  • a Path of Support with links to inworld groups dealing with everything from disabilities to mental health issues
  • Health exhibits dealing with Borderline Personality Disorder, Maintaining Mental Health, Dementia, Depression, Minority Mental Health Equity and information about different types of mental health
  • An area containing research including information about clinical trials
  • A library with resources
  • A reading room
  • A gym so your avatar can have a work out
  • A cute little herb garden with details about different herbs

If you or a loved ones has any health issues, give it a look.  Visit Healthinfo Island here.

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About Me

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Hi, my name is Bailey and I am an avatar in Second Life. Although my avatar is predominantly female in Second Life, I am a gay male in real life. I choose to be female most of the time and don't see it as a big deal in a virtual world where so many people are furries, werewolves and inanimate objects. It is all fantasy. This blog is about me, the places I go, the clothes I wear, the people I meet, etc.


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