Monday, 28 August 2017

Transgender Hate Crime and Suicide Memorial

In a quiet corner of SL, I took a few moments to visit the Transgender Hate Crime and Suicide Memorial which "is dedicated to all transgender people who have lost their lives to suicide or murder." 
Inside the building there are candles with eulogies to the fallen and some very moving posters relating to hate crime and suicide.  Outside are two obelisks with the names of far too many people who have been lost.

The memorial is watched over by a mourning angel.

The Transgender Hate Crime and Suicide Memorial can be found here.

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Hi, my name is Bailey and I am an avatar in Second Life. Although my avatar is predominantly female in Second Life, I am a gay male in real life. I choose to be female most of the time and don't see it as a big deal in a virtual world where so many people are furries, werewolves and inanimate objects. It is all fantasy. This blog is about me, the places I go, the clothes I wear, the people I meet, etc.


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