Sunday, 20 August 2017

Look Of The Day 20th August 2017

Full outfit (includes hair to wear under Dupatta): Arwen's Creations - Nazima in Shell Pink.

The set consists of a mesh skirt (sizes XXS - L), shoulder scarf (sizes XXS - L), head scarf (sizes XXS - L), sheer and opaque veils and head jewellery.  An Omega applier is included for the top.  System clothing layers for the top and pants are also included.

Background: GizzA - Vintage Wedding Backdrop - rare Gacha item.  Other items are available in the collection such as a dresser, balloons, a garden gate and a range of beautiful Victorian chairs.

1 comment:

  1. You're looking absolutely stunning and exotic, my dear!


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Hi, my name is Bailey and I am an avatar in Second Life. Although my avatar is predominantly female in Second Life, I am a gay male in real life. I choose to be female most of the time and don't see it as a big deal in a virtual world where so many people are furries, werewolves and inanimate objects. It is all fantasy. This blog is about me, the places I go, the clothes I wear, the people I meet, etc.


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