Monday, 27 February 2017

Quackers and Look Of The Day 27th February 2017

Feeling at a loose end this morning and not really wanting to be around a lot of people chattering away as I was somewhat 'delicate', I took myself off to Quackerstone Duck Racing.  No idea why I go there as I am rubbish at driving any vehicle in SL, even a rubber duck!
I did have a go on a duck and came in with one of the worst times showing on the recent participants board, so nothing has changed in my driving skills.

Quackerstone Duck Racing can be found here.

As I was in the area, I popped 'upstairs' to Gos Boutique to worship the shoes.  It seemed churlish of me to not buy any, so I treated myself to a pair of gorgeous sandals.
Hair: enVOGUE - Gisselle in dark browns
Top ans Skirt: S E V E N - Emina in blue
Shoes: [Gos] - Grace Sandal in bronze

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Hi, my name is Bailey and I am an avatar in Second Life. Although my avatar is predominantly female in Second Life, I am a gay male in real life. I choose to be female most of the time and don't see it as a big deal in a virtual world where so many people are furries, werewolves and inanimate objects. It is all fantasy. This blog is about me, the places I go, the clothes I wear, the people I meet, etc.


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